
Here are your tasks:
Read and list the eligibility requirements.
Which of the requirements is/are the biggest barrier to your getting Canadian citizenship.
I think the biggest barrier for me is that China doesn't permit to have two citizenships.I feel very difficult give up China citizenship.
Tell a partner what your plans are in regard to citizenship--when, how, and why.
I give up to think about this question.because I really confused about it. maybe when I love Canada too much, I will consider that.
Write an email to a relative overseas about those plans.
Hi,Wei wei:
Long time no mail to you. I have been moved in Canada for three years. I overcomed the most difficult beginning time and renewed my Pr card successful.My many friends applied Canada citizenship .but i still haven't idea to apply too.because i sitll difficult give up china citizenship.I m a chinese, when I must apply a Visa for back china. It mybe cause my bad feeling.so far, I still dont know what is getting a Candadian Citizenship's benifit. 
However, maybe as time goes on, I will change my plan. 
I hope you will give me more advise.
Best regards
Read and comment below on this letter to the editor: Too Easy
What does the author think of Canadian citizenship?
List the reasons given in the letter.
Respond briefly with your position and reasons.

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