
Wednesday's assignment

Good morning everyone,

Today we will start with a different speaking task. Read the following dialogue once and then click on this link and follow the following steps: 

First, record yourself reading the following dialogue without looking up any words.
Cheng and Emma record the following dialogue:

Second, find out the meaning of the underlined words and use each one in a sentence.
  1. snobbish: of, characteristic of, or like a snob(snob:a person with an exaggerated respect for high social position or wealth who seeks to associate with social superiors and dislikes people or activities regarded as lower-class.)
  2. keep up appearances: maintain an outward show
  3. nouveau riche: new rich
  4. FOBs: a recent immigrant, especially regarded as being unassimilated  (unassimilatedespecially of a people, an idea, or a culture not absorbed or integrated into a wider society or culture.
  5. integrated: in particular.
  6. elitists: a person who believes that a system or society should be ruled or dominated by an elite.
  7. hypocrites: a person who indulges in hypocrisy
Uesing above words to make a new sentence:
  1. snobbish: If someone want to get a big success, he must give up snobbish.
  2. keep up appearances: A shallow person always only keep up appearances.
  3. nouveau riche: I think a poor country easy to creat nouveau riche.
  4. FOBs: I have been Canada more than three years, I am not sure I am a FOBs or not.
  5. integrated:
  6. elitists: Many elitists of the world work in a small street, the street is Wall street.
  7. hypocrites: We should keep kindness to everyone, don't to be hypocrites.

Third, record a second time reading the same dialogue.
Cheng and Emma record the following dialogue again:

Fourth, copy both links to your blog for your teacher’s feedback.

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