

Pick 5 words or expressions to learn for meaning and pronunciation.
1.in for--I'm in for a homework in my clasroom.
2.last resort--I haven't a car, usurally I go to school on walking, taking bus is my last resort .
3.check out--when you finish the homwork, please check out again.
4.preaching--when I feel upset, I don't like anyone only give me more preaching.
5.dental cleaning: last week , my dentist ask me to make a appointment for dental cleaning.

Martha: Oh, I have a toothache

George: It sounds like you’re in for a visit to the dentist

Martha: That would be the last resort. I hate going to the dentist. I don’t like needles and the sound of the drill scares me to death. I’m hoping the toothache will just go away. 

George: You really should get that checked out. Do you want me to make an appointment for you with my dentist? 

Martha: No, thanks. I haven’t seen a dentist in years and I don’t plan to now unless I have no choice. 

George: Years?! You haven’t been to a dentist in years? Haven’t you ever heard of preventive care? You’re supposed to get a dental cleaning twice a year. 

Martha: I don’t follow doctor and dentist guidelines like that. I brush my teeth every day. That’s good enough. 

George: No, it’s not. You should be flossing every day and rinsingyour mouth with mouthwash to keep your teeth and gums healthy. If you haven’t been to the dentist in years, I’m not surprised you didn’t know that. 

Martha: Stop preaching! I’ll go to the dentist when I need to. 

George: Like now. 

Martha: Maybe. It doesn’t hurt that much anymore... 

George: I never knew you were such a chicken

Martha: [makes a chicken noise] Bwauk, bwauk...! 

1 comment:

Abdullah al-Kanadi said...

Great job, Emma!
Is there any way to reduce the number of Chinese words on your blog?
It may be difficult to read for some of our class. Thanks.